Candy Crush Soda Wiki
Candy Crush Soda Wiki
A page with same (or similar) content on Candy Crush Saga Wiki
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Striped Candy is one of the special candies in Candy Crush Soda Saga. They are regular candies with horizontal or vertical white stripes on them. Depending on the direction of the stripes, they clear the whole row or column they are in when matched. Striped Candy is the second special candy introduced in the game.


A striped candy is created when 4 candies (including special candies and bottles) of the same color form either a horizontal or vertical straight line. If 4 candies are matched in a row, a vertically striped candy is created. If 4 candies are matched in a column, a horizontally striped candy is created. When formed, 120 points are given to the player.

Another way of looking at it is that the striped candy will have stripes in the direction it was moved to make the 4 in a row. Detonating a striped candy gives 60 points per candy.


Striped Candy Other special candy Effect Walkthrough
Striped Candy  Striped Candy Candy Fish The fish becomes a striped fish and will swim into blockers when activated.
Fish Striped Candy
Fish Striped Candy
Striped Candy  Striped Candy Mixing them will clear the whole row or column extended from the point they mixed.
Striped Candy Striped Candy

Striped Candy Striped Candy

Wrapped Candy The striped candy becomes a 3x3 giant striped candy which clears 3 rows and then 3 columns in a cross shape centered around the point they mixed.
Wrapped Candy Striped Candy
Wrapped Candy Striped Candy(2)

Wrapped Candy Striped Candy

Color Bomb Every candy of the colour of the striped candy becomes a striped candy with horizontal and vertical directions (from left to right, and from top to bottom) sequently, and those striped candies detonate.
Color Bomb Striped candy

Color Bomb Striped candy

Coloring Candy The Coloring and Striped candies will fuse and then explode. The explosion will splash coloring bubbles on all of the regular and special candies, including bottles that are the same colour as the striped and coloring candy. This will turn:

  • Regular Candies into a mixture of horizontal and vertical striped candies that will be activated right away.
  • The color of Striped, Wrapped, Fish, and Coloring Candies as well as Bottles that are the same color as the striped candy into the color of the coloring candy.
  • If the combined candies are of same colour, another colour dominating on the board will be affected.

Coloring Candy Striped candy

Coloring Candy striped candy

